In general, I am sure it is the execution that matters, not the toplogy "it ain't what you do but the way that you do it2 I am using a SET and Pathos integrated amps at the moment.
I know SET amps are limited in power so speaker choice etc, but I find it hard to live without them. The only SS amps I could live with was a Pass Aleph 3 and Lavardin IT.
I have an Ayon Spark, 20 watt SET and Pathos Inpol2, 50 watt Class A hybrid. It is really difficult to choose between them, both are that good. The Pathos, with the Inpol circuitry has all the transparency, detail with smoothness that SET's give, with a little better sondstaging and imaging. The spark has the extra bit of richness in the tone, that tubes give you.
Having heard the Logos and being fairly unimpressed with it. I am sure it is the Inpol circuitry and Class A operation, that makes the difference, with Pathos amps. That is in the Inpol2 and TT integrated amps, I don't think it is in the Classic, but I may be wrong.
if you are going SET or all tube, I don't think you can go wrong with Ayon.