Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps

I would like to field opinions on Will Vincents Dynaco amps. I am interested in his complete rebuilds of these classics and would love to read opinions from owner.
I've got a pair of Will's Dynaco mk iiis; beautiful aesthetics and sonics. Just one word on the looks: WAF was off the scale (glowing tubes!), and everyone who comes in the living room makes a beeline for them.
I was not aware i could use kt66 tubes in this amp. I know i can use kt77's. I will have to look into this. By the way the amp is a work of art. My girlfriend thought it was a bomb when i openend the box, but i think it looked great.

I found some threads dedicated to st70 upgrades and one of the mods was using the kt66 gold lion re issue tubes.

Before I ordered a matched quad, I called Will to make sure they would work properly with the amp and he said yes.

In Will's reworked st70's you can use el34, kt77, kt66, and I think he said 6L6 also. He uses upgraded bias pots that have a wider range than the original's and all you have to do is adjust the bias to 1.5 - 1.55 volts on your new tubes. (The kt66 tubes required the bias to be adjusted down compared to the el34 since they use less current than an el34)

The soundstage width, depth, "holographic" imaging and high end detail all improved so much with the kt66 tubes, I could not believe it was the same amp!

The gold lion re issue's don't come cheap, but I am very happy I put a set in.

Good luck and enjoy your new amp.
I almost forgot.... the kt66 tubes are the "coke bottle" shape and they make this already cool looking modded st70 really "off the hook"!!!
I use the Gold Lion KT-66's.....and I agree with the posts on how great they sound. I paid 150 bucks for a quad though, a bit on the expensive side if you ask me.

The KT66's did add a more spacious sound to the amp, and there was more detail in the high end and the mids. I run a pair of Klipsh Heresey's myself.

All you need to do is replace the two 10k in the bias section with a couple of 4.7k. Then put in a couple of 25k bias pots to replace the two 10k pots.

Once I tried a set of KT66's though I was hooked. I didn't even have to get any burn time on the KT's to hear the difference, it was that apparent to me from the moment I installed them.