I found some threads dedicated to st70 upgrades and one of the mods was using the kt66 gold lion re issue tubes.
Before I ordered a matched quad, I called Will to make sure they would work properly with the amp and he said yes.
In Will's reworked st70's you can use el34, kt77, kt66, and I think he said 6L6 also. He uses upgraded bias pots that have a wider range than the original's and all you have to do is adjust the bias to 1.5 - 1.55 volts on your new tubes. (The kt66 tubes required the bias to be adjusted down compared to the el34 since they use less current than an el34)
The soundstage width, depth, "holographic" imaging and high end detail all improved so much with the kt66 tubes, I could not believe it was the same amp!
The gold lion re issue's don't come cheap, but I am very happy I put a set in.
Good luck and enjoy your new amp.