What do you think about Magnepans 3.6R for me

I am considering new speakers. I am thinking of getting a pair of Magnepan 3.6R. Will the speakers fit my equipment and room? I have a music room 28 x 16 for half and 28 x 22 for the other half. This room opens into a hallway on one side and two double doors on the other side.
My equipment is as follows:
1. Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SSE
2. Sonic Frontiers Power 3 with KT88 tubes
3: Mark Levinson 36s
4. Marl Levinson 37
5. Audioquest Diamond x3 balanced interconnects
6. Audioquest Diamond Dragon speaker cables bi wired
Will I have enough power for the speakers in my size room? Will my Audioquest interconnects have good sound with this setup? The Audioquest interconnects to the amps are about 6 or 7 meters long. I would hate to replace them. I heard these speakers several years ago with ARC equipment in a small room. I liked the sound and I think I would like to own them for a while to play old blues and jazz. I assume I just change the Power 3s over to 4 ohms to use the Magnepans and not use the 8ohms configuration?
I currently have old B&W 801s. I have had them a long time and need a change. I like the sound but want a change.
Forget about the 3.6R. Your Sonic Frontiers Power 3 won't have enough current to drive them.