You know you have "it" bad when...................

You start noticing license plates out on the streets that begin with "6DJ8." Even worse, you explain to whomever is in the car with you what that is.
You wonder if you should change the power cord on your record cleaner like Classicjazz did!!!!!!!
Or back in the 60's when you had a record player installed in your car along side your 4/8 track player..
Can't remember the name if the company that made them..BUT I think my 4/8 track was made by American Radio and was all chrome.
used to trade records for gas in Ca when I was broke in the 70's,fun ,fun, fun,my friend hooked up an 8-track on his Sportster on the handlebars he put a speaker.Lasted a week,long enough for eterenity in some circles....