Cayin A88T - My Favorite Amp Out of Numerous - FYI

I bought and sold over a dozen solid state and tube amps before settling on the Cayin A88T. I choose tubes over solid state for the life like quality they imbue in the music. I found the sound of the Cayin A88T very engaging and my pick out of all the amps I tried. It has a vibrant 'front row center live' appeal to it.

In comparison, my CJ CAV50 integrated sounded dull in the upper mid/treble area (although quit warm in the midrange). My Cary SLI-80 Signature F1 sounded very detailed, yet overly clinical, close to solid state to me.

The sound you get out of the Cayin can vary dramatically by how you tube it, and even by how you bias it, though less dramatic.

After much experimentation, my recommended tubes are: SED KT88 power tubes, for the 6SL7s - I recommend Mullard CV-569 or ECC35 (expensive but worth every penny, a dramatic improvement in the sound), and for the 6SN7s, I recommend RCA V-231s (military 6SN7s).

Bias: with the above tubes (which complemented the amp the best over numerous trials), for my tastes, the music seemed ever so sligthly too open in the upper mids, which I adjusted nicely by setting the bias to 336 instead of the 400 recommended. By the way, I had tried the 6550 power tubes, but they sounded too soft and closed in to me.

So, if you are looking to make a change in amps or looking to pick a first tube amp, I think you couldn't loose with the Cayin A88T. At present, I like it so much that it may be my last amp also.
" At present, I like it so much that it may be my last amp also."

Famous last words! LOL
I owne two of these amps, very nice indeed. Question '' How did you bias this amplifier?'' There is no way (unless they changed the model) to bias this without fidling underneath and inside the electrical snake box. Just for this, I have to disagree with you, it does NOT make a good choice as a first tube amp, that is if you don't care if optimal bias is not reached. Not saying it doesn't sound nice, it does, and the CAV50 is hazy at best by comparison.
Have to agree with Sonicbeauty...I found that biasing this particular amp is a real PITA ! Definitly not for beginners . But it did sound nice in the mids and bottom end .
Also agree with Plangco that the Sli-80 did not seem to have as much of that tube magic .

I'm envious that you have found your last amp !!

Happy Tunes.
If you liked the cayin 88, you will love the cayin 100. I have both. Yes, the bias of the 88 is a pain, but the 100 is a piece of cake when it comes to bais. Your last amp? Don't be silly. I am looking forward to a bigger Cayin/VAS, which I know is coming, soon. Enjoy.
I have not heard the 88T but I am loving my Cayin 265Ai Class A solid state integrated. I may one of these days try a Cayin tube integrated.