The HF UR WGPC is a rare bird at this point with only a few in circulation.
Rick has come up with some new improvements that sort of make the few
out there Beta units IMHO.
That said, The WGPC sounds no less than amazing in my system.
It sound great quite quickly but has been improving for months.
For those of you who have had the good fortune to hear the improvements
moving from CT-1 to E, to U, and even to UR. The WGPC is like going even further in the same direction as it has the same effect on power as the CT-1 series has on signal. So what ever words you would use to describe the best you have ever heard.
I call it unbelievably awesome.
Other descriptors
the High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Conditioner, in conjunction with CT-1 Ultimate cabling....
has brought a "never before heard" level of image solidity, tighter crisper bass that I thought possible in my system. So intimate and real sounding that I that I hold my breath when listening to the clear and delicate interplay between instruments and harmonies. Sweetness and air in the highs brings sighs of adulation.
So, pretty good then (-:
Rick has come up with some new improvements that sort of make the few
out there Beta units IMHO.
That said, The WGPC sounds no less than amazing in my system.
It sound great quite quickly but has been improving for months.
For those of you who have had the good fortune to hear the improvements
moving from CT-1 to E, to U, and even to UR. The WGPC is like going even further in the same direction as it has the same effect on power as the CT-1 series has on signal. So what ever words you would use to describe the best you have ever heard.
I call it unbelievably awesome.
Other descriptors
the High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Conditioner, in conjunction with CT-1 Ultimate cabling....
has brought a "never before heard" level of image solidity, tighter crisper bass that I thought possible in my system. So intimate and real sounding that I that I hold my breath when listening to the clear and delicate interplay between instruments and harmonies. Sweetness and air in the highs brings sighs of adulation.
So, pretty good then (-: