Best Used Amp/Preamp/CD Combo Under $1k

I'm looking to assemble a system based around my Triangle Comete XS speakers. I had at one point been using an Acurus RL-11/A100 along with first gen. Music Hall CD25. Unfortunately that system is no longer with me, but speakers still are and aren't going anywhere.

What I am looking for is to reassemble a system that is at least as good as my old one on a budget. Knowing I have to buy used it's important that any component purchased has a good reputation for reliability. The following are the top 3 most important things I'm trying to accomplish:

1) Achieve synergy with all Triangle speakers they are fast, detailed and easily show any flaw in your system. If they have a fault (for me), they can be too analytical with the wrong gear.

2) As lazy as it sounds, I really want a setup that includes a remote.

3) The WAF is important, but not critical. However I'd be lying if I said that even I don't totally care how the pieces look.

So here is my line of thinking. I might shoot for a used RL-11 again (hard to find these days) and pair it with a used Acurus (A100 or A150)or Aragon amp (2004). Or I could go with an integrated to simplify things, top two for me are Music Hall Mambo and Rega Mira 2000.

As for CD players, it's between the newer Music Hall CD25 and the Rega Planet 2000. There have been many discussions on the merits of these two, I'm just interested in how these pieces might fir together musically.

I will be using this system primarily to listen to rock (no metal), jazz and classical. I want a system where I can close my eyes and almost believe I am at the performance, be it a Mahler symphony or Clapton acoustic set. I'm not interested in specs, and unfortunately don't have the time or money to properly demo each piece individually in my listening room. So I am hoping the community has enough experience with all these pieces (maybe even together?) to help guide my next few purchases.

I've nothing against tubes in general. However I've read that tube amps in this price range tend to not do so well with bass. I love the Triangles but it's not like they have bass to spare. Being a bass player myself, I'm not too keen on flabby sounding bass.

I've heard the Mambo is a "tube-like" SS amp. Can anyone vouch for this?
The Mambo is great, class A rated power is warm. I believe it also has a built in DAC so any decent cd player will work great.

Your thought on Acurus amps is way off base. They are much more harsh, almost crude sounding. Extremely different than the Aragon which is warm class A sounding.
I still think you need to think tubes. You are asking a fair amount to come in under $1K. I did not think el34s could deliver the bass I wanted until I went to the TAD-60 amp and I was astounded by the bass. These can be found at around $800 to 900 used. A reat bargain. A good Class A SS amp may sound better than the Acurus equipment but only tubes will sound like tubes and only tubes will really bring your Cometes to life. Do you have any chance to borrow or audition a decent tube integrated like the TAD, PL1 or 2, or the Cayin 23T and listen to it in your room? I am sure you know the Cometes will only extend so low. I am assuming you want what Bass they can produce to be tight and crisp. I believe any of these amps will deliver in spades. If you could stretch up to about $1500 I think you can get close to the sound you are looking for.
If I had your speakers and 1K, I would pick up a used Rega Planet 2000 and a Jolida 1501RC (hybred) integrated amp. Lots of power, many cheap tube options if you want to tube roll, and I have heard the amp with Triangle speakers (not sure which ones) and the sound was good.