Switch from Parasound JC-1 to Bel Canto Ref 1000?

I'm pretty darn happy with the Parasound amps except for the heat and size. I was thinking if the Bel Canto Ref 1000 mk 2s sounded as good they would be a lot more ideal. In the summer I am having to turn off the JC-1s whenever I'm not listening since they put out so much heat. The Bel Cantos would be ideal since they don't put out the heat and they even have more power and could always be left on.

I am using the Dynaudio S 3.4 speakers now and am possibly considering an upgrade to something like the C4 Dynaudios or Revel Salon 2s or Studio 2s.

Anyone who can compare and contrast these amps I would love that.

Thanks, Ryan
Show me where I'm wrong instead of diverting the issue and and name calling.

I thought so.
Audiopile, you apparently have two goals in your posts. The first is to establish yourself an the all-wise audio guru. The second is to exhibit yourself as a total ----. Despite your miserable failure at the first you have succeeded at the latter beyond all expectations. You constantly harp on your experience and knowledge but if anyone else has some you dismiss it as irrelevant. OF COURSE we all have different goals and expectations, if this bars us from giving our opinion then this forum will have no posts.
Bryan, aside from their opposite prognostications, Stan and Bill are both correct. . . You may need to try out the BC Ref 1K Mk.2s side by side with your Parasound to gage if they are of your liking. I have found the BC Ref 1000 Mk2s to be extremely charming and very musical and refined amps. Here is the review I have written for Positive feedback:
I would recommend trying the Bel Canto's in your system not only because this is the only true way to decide which set of monos works best in your application but also because you would gain some genuine insight into how amplifiers of similar specifications but radically different design principals differ in sound. There is so much (probably ill informed) debate over the merits of Class D amps versus traditional Class A or A/B designs. I think a lot of folks would agree that the new series Bel Canto amps represent the best of what Class D has to offer and the JC-1's have long been considered some of the best Class A-A/B designs out there. What a great opportunity to find out for yourself what others mostly speculate about. I would say, however, that any decision you make to replace your JC-1's with the Bel Cantos should wait until you have settled on a pair of speakers. Why replace one set of monos with another when a speaker change may render your decision irrelevant?