Jadis DA 60 Integrated

Been looking at this amp and am curious what it is about the design that requires 8 KT88s to produce 60wpc whereas most other amps e.g. Ayon Spirit 2 require only 4 for the same or close wpc?
Forget about the 60 wpc rating. In fact, it will also easily eclipse those figures running EL34 output tubes. As the literature says, the numbers are incredibly conservative. Think of the traditional Rolls Royce answer in regards to their horsepower figures, which was given with a most confident smile, "Adequate."

The Jadis DA60 is a beast. The proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove. It's truly one of the finest audio amplifiers from the standpoint of both build and sound, and will go toe to toe against anything.

Another thing, you have to remember the amplifier operates in Class A, which normally looks half as powerful as Class AB on paper even if that totally goes against real world seat of the pants power.

As an example, I've also owned the Orchestra Reference and DA30. The JOR is rated at 40 wpc (or, I was told via e-mail with the company, 52 wpc with the KT90 tubes I had) in Class AB, while the DA30 is rated at 30 wpc in pure Class A. Regardless of the numbers, the DA30 walks away from the JOR ala its superior transformers, power supply, and circuit.

Currently, I own the DA30 and DA60. In direct comparison, I feel the DA30 is probably a bit more sweet. So far, I cannot totally put my finger as to why. It could be because it's an older vintage, and like most audio components, the direction of things has been more resolution, clarity, refinement, etc., and sometimes, less romance and musicality. Or, it could be that the midrange of the DA30 stands out more simply because the DA60 offers such absolutely incredible low frequency performance.

Compare it to ANY 2 6550/KT88/KT90 tube per channel amp, and all of your skepticism will immediately vanish.
I own a DA50Signature rated at "only" 30 watts, it is a pure class A design using four KT88 output tubes - it handles my power hungry Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage at easy, just as my previous Gryphon pre/power combo with the virtues of tubes.

The DA60 is a very powerfull amp, I understand it does not run all times at Class A (but I might be wrong here) and power should not be any issue with it for a medium listening area.

Hope this helps.
Thanks guys, PS I wasn't being skeptical was really just curious about the 8 tubes versus 4 tubes. Trelja, may Iask what speakers you drive with these amps? I have Tyler Linbrook System 2s 89db 8 ohm
Facten, I apologize for giving the impression that you were skeptical.

My own speakers are pretty efficient, they're older Coincidents. That being said, it helps to have some power to get the 10" woofers not just playing, but flapping around and pumping out some serious bass. To that end, I've yet to have another tube amplifier outclass the DA60. Even one that is rated for 75+ wpc in pure Class A that a well experienced reviewer felt were twice as strong as that.

After hearing the new Wilson Sashas two weeks ago, and being truly blown away by them, the question after how I could afford them was that owning them would pretty much necessitate me moving away from the type of amplification (low-moderately powered transformer coupled tube) I feel is the best for me, and how would I handle that. Then, my buddy turned to me, and said, "Hey, that DA60 should suit the bill perfectly." Indeed!

A friend of mine, The Doctor (Mechans), uses his DA60 with a pair of JMlabs. He basically sought out a DA60 because he was so impressed that a tube amp could put out that kind of low end performance and smooth, clean, composed, beautiful power.

Trust me, when you see the DA60 in person, its massive transformers will make you take notice. Then, when you go to pick the amp up, you'll know it's got it where it counts.