Monoblocks vs Bi-amping

I am considering buying 2 Spectron Musician 3s to drive my Revel Ultima Salon2s. Which is do you recommend 1) monoblock configuration or 2) both amps set up in stereo, one driving mid-ranges/tweteters of both speakers & the other driving the woofers? I would think bi-amping would be superior since the each amp would see a more stable impedance profile.

Set it up both ways and compare it for yourself...that's the only way you'll be sure.
I'm not too sure you would be gaining anything vertically biamping your speakers.

My understanding for biamp considerations are that the usual inspiration comes from the desire to alter the realized sound via the use of two dissimilar amps.

I’ve run two sets of mono block amps. One pair being SS, and now I’m using two tubed monos. FWIW I’d recommend keeping things as simple as possible and apply one amp to each Revel.

There too, you'd save the cost of another set of speaker cables, and interconnects... although that might not be an issue here.

‘Course, you could just attach ‘em like ya want and see for yourself if there is some gain or issues… then connect them back to a more standard setup if a problem is perceived.

I sure can’t see how it could harm anything if volume levels are kept reasonable.
You'll want to read the post dated 2-19-09 in this thread, by the noted designer Steve McCormack. Among other things, he makes a strong case for why vertical biamping is generally preferable to the horizontal biamping arrangement you are contemplating.

Re the bridged monoblock possibility, if you don't necessarily need the added power capability that would provide, probably the only way to judge is by listening, as was suggested.

As you probably realize, bridged mode will cause the amplifiers to see the speaker impedance (6 ohms nominal, 3.7 ohms minimum at 90Hz) divided by a factor of 2 (in other words, the amplifier would see 1.85 ohms at 90Hz). Your amplifier can certainly handle that, but it would stand to reason that the character of its sound might be affected by that difference, in unpredictable ways.

Also, in vertical biamp mode both channels of each amp are amplifying identical signals, while in monoblock mode the two channels would be amplifying signals that are inverted internally, relative to each other. Again, hard to predict what the consequences would be, but it stands to reason that there would be consequences.

-- Al