Bryston 28 sst's vs Spectron Musician 3 SE ?

I was wondering if anyone has compared both the newish Bryston kw monoblock amps; the 28 sst's; which received rave reviews vs the the class D Spectron Musician 3; rated at around 600 watts, for the pair of monoblocks; in the same ball park on price, $16k for the pair of Bryston; and around the same for the Spectron. I am looking to replace my MBL 8011's powering my MBL 111'es; looking for 'warmth' in the highs, and more punch in the base; with detail and openness...I feel my current amps are not quite powerful enough to fully open my low impedence speakers; at 4 ohms...
Or if people might suggest other high power ss amps to consider; I'm open to other recommendations..The new Musical Fidelity Tritans are a bit out of my range; as are the mbl 9008's...

Thanks in advance for suggestions and recommendations.

Spectron rated power output of 600 watts per channel is for their stereo and for monoblocks its about 1800 watts per channel.

Also, there are many, many MBL owners who own Spectron and like it more then MBL amplifiers at least for money.

I did not auditioned Bryston so I cannot comment on direct comparison.

Good Luck
Top quality class D versus solid state, monoblocks, high power output, similar price, would be an awesome comparison! I use the Spectron monos with Marten Coltranes with great results. The Spectrons were a great improvement over Rowland 201s, but I wish I had been able to do at-home comparisons with the Spectrons and some other top non-class D designs.
I have not had the mono blocks, but with my Maggies the Spectron Musician 3se was not a great match. I thought it was bright.

I loved my 7bsst Brystons, with my speakers, and have only heard the 28sst's at CES driving the tiny Magenpan/bass module concept speakers. That was absolutely amazing, shocking in fact.

I have only heard the MBL's at shows as well so I don't know how they would match. I tend to think the Spectrons are more dry and "accurate" sounding, and the Bryston's more warm and mellow.

Well, that's my experience with them.
My feeling is that my MBL speakers tend to be a bit dry and cool; and accurate; from what comments are being offered; maybe the Bryston might fit the provide a bit more warmth..other option is a tubed preamp; but don't want to go there....
before I buy; I think I have an opportunity to audition both amps in my home within the next month or so; but was looking for help before I set up the auditions...
Rest of system is: Meridian 861 processor; Qsonix server; Meridian G-98 player; MIT magnum 2 balanced IC's and biwire speaker cables; dedicated 20amp lines

More comments are welcome...thanks much...