Pope Holland Tubes for Cary SLP98P

I have read some good feedback on the Pope tubes for the Cary preamps, does anyone have experience with them and the Cary? Is it worth $600 to upgrade, is there that much improvement?
Before you invest $600 for tubes, you might want to consider upgrading the SLP98P itself to F1 status.

what Cyclonicman said. I know Kevin Deal @ Upscale really likes the Popes, too.
Sorry, I should have put this on the question, but my Cary is an F1 to the max. Has a few other upgrades besides the ordinary F1 package.

I love the sound now, but I haven't tube rolled the output stage at all yet, and was wondering if the the Pope's would be an improvement.
I just did some Sylvania 6SN7GT "Bad Boys" Circa 1951 in my Cary SLP05 and was totally amazed at the sound difference. Previous EH 6SN7's may have been a little tired but these Sylvanias took my system to a completely different level.