Wyred 4 Sound STP

Anyone currently enjoying this gem?
The Wyred is a very good SS preamp My buddy has one and we compared it to my Joule Electra 150, the Wyred is a touch more quiet
and the bass is a slightly quicker with a drier bass.
The Joule being tube throws a more realistic soundstage-a little deeper as well as a more full bass, inner detail is close , the Joule is more than 2x the price overall it is a little better overall ,for $2k the only competition which is just over $2k with discounts would be the New Lector Zoe- Vacuum tube pre if I had less than $3k and wanted tubes that is the ticket for a SS preamp you don't ever have to change tubes the Wyred for sound is a great choice ,
whatever floats your boat SS or Vacuum tubes .
5 channel surround sound effect with only 2 speakers and 2 wave launched subs. Underwater, totally immersed. Floor to ceiling stage that extends wall to wall. Bass that now excites the room in ways that I never heard before. Center channel stabilty that can be tweaked side to side with remote balance. Ability to unravel phase information that sometimes startles me..making me look over my shoulder as if some unknown intruder has entered the room. Still growing still improving. Only change I have made yet has been to swap the supplied fuse for a neodymium magnet. Tom
Today, I was delivered my order of Vishay Z foil resistors. 2 of these resistors are intended to replace the 100 ohm Dales that are always in the signal path regardless of the resistor setting selected with the volume control. I have in the past replaced other quality resistors with Vishay nude resistors as well as with the new Z foils..Always heard an improvement in transparency! Hope to have the new Z foils installed by next mid week and will post what I hear as the result. Tom
This is a little late, but here it is.

I found the preamp to be incredibly quiet and a good very good performer over all. I really liked how any input could be designated as a home theater bypass, that I could name the inputs etc.

I ended up not keeping mine because in my system it sounded a little too lean in the midrange, and a little too dry for my taste.

In my system the Wyred preamp offers as much flesh as my previous Melos or Belles preamps yet with better definition lower noise floor and greater flexiblity. I think neither the Melos or Belles are your traditional thick in the middle tube preamp, they are both very simple in design and layout. System dependent and user preference of color rendition as always.