The Wyred is a very good SS preamp My buddy has one and we compared it to my Joule Electra 150, the Wyred is a touch more quiet
and the bass is a slightly quicker with a drier bass.
The Joule being tube throws a more realistic soundstage-a little deeper as well as a more full bass, inner detail is close , the Joule is more than 2x the price overall it is a little better overall ,for $2k the only competition which is just over $2k with discounts would be the New Lector Zoe- Vacuum tube pre if I had less than $3k and wanted tubes that is the ticket for a SS preamp you don't ever have to change tubes the Wyred for sound is a great choice ,
whatever floats your boat SS or Vacuum tubes .
and the bass is a slightly quicker with a drier bass.
The Joule being tube throws a more realistic soundstage-a little deeper as well as a more full bass, inner detail is close , the Joule is more than 2x the price overall it is a little better overall ,for $2k the only competition which is just over $2k with discounts would be the New Lector Zoe- Vacuum tube pre if I had less than $3k and wanted tubes that is the ticket for a SS preamp you don't ever have to change tubes the Wyred for sound is a great choice ,
whatever floats your boat SS or Vacuum tubes .