Best Integrated Under $3000

I tried this in a earlier thread and did not receive any responses. So, I will try this another way. I am a newbie and am looking to purchase a new integrated or an immaculate used integrated. However, the more I look and research the more indecisive I become. I will be mainly using a two channel set up listening to mostly vinyl through a Clearaudio Emotion TT but some CD's as well. I will also be using the system as part of a HT (80% 2 Channel-20% HT). I have a Marantz SR-6400 to power the rears and center. The speakers are Kirksaeter Prisma 210 (very efficient). I was initially leaning toward Musical Fidelity (A5.5 new, or Nu-Vista, Tri-Vista used), but I like the McIntosh MA-6300 as well. Then a friend told me to look at the Rega Elicit which also reviews well but does not have much power. Finally, my dealer advised to look at the Atoll IN200, which also looks like a great piece and reviewed great in 6moons.

So please experienced Audiophiles, I bow to your expertise. Please grant me more knowledge from your experience on any of these models or one that is not on the list.
I think the reason you're not getting a lot of response is because there are so many threads about integrated amps in this range already. I would take the time to carefully read through them and see what you can find. Also, if possible, the best thing to do is audition these pieces yourself.
If you want a tube integrated amp suggest the Rogue Audio Cronus , the Magnum (upgraded) version - direct from Rogue.
FWIW I would not have, and still can't, respond to your thread intelligently. The is no universal best, so to respopnd to your question I would need

1) To have listened to the equipment you mentioned under controlled circumstances using identital ancillaries, and

2) To know what your sonic preferences are, what kind of room you have, what kind of music you listen to, and what kind of audio things are important to you.

I doubt that I, or most others, have meaningful information to pass on to you unless they are just willing to make recommendations isolated to the component(s) you mentioned. Not knowing how they will work with your stuff, in you room, playing music you like, in a manner you want to hear it makes it of questionable value. IMHO that is why you got no responses then, and I doubt you will now.
Here are some additional information that some have asked:

1) I would like to stay with a Solid State

2) I realize there are alot of threads on this topic but still none clearly answer which is a good choice and there is very little about Atoll

3) I have an ecclectic taste in music anything from 50's-60's, to 80's rock, to old and new country, some classical, a little jazz, and some easy listening.

4) The room is about 15x14 with 10 foot ceilings, hardwood floors, with a corner fireplace.

5) I am not sure what my audio preferences are. I know I want something that is more neutral than bright or with a huge amount of bass. I want something that will make the Kirksaeters sound their best, open the soundstage, and bring out the ability of the TT.

6) I have really narrowed down my search to the models listed in the original posting, although I am open to learning about other models.

7) My ability to trial any of these pieces in my home is impossible. I live in the middle of no where.

I am truly seeking advice from other owners of these models and their impressions on these models. Especially, thoughts from those who have auditioned these or similar models and why they chose what they did.