I had the opportunity to buy the Wyred4sound SX-250 monos what are intended to have a better medium-treble, a more tubey sound than their more powerful brothers, the SX-500 and the SX-1000. I have compared them to other Class D amps that I have, And I just can say that for more than 1 000 $, they are not a bang for the buck at all...
They are just less airy, they have less bass, less dynamics and have a lot of details missing compared to Flying Mole DAD M-310 monos or to Huygens Mhz Power 4 monos (3 x the weight of the Wyred4sound SX-250...) at the same price!!
So, if you are searching a good price, go Wyred4sound.. If you are searching a wonderful sound at a good price.. Go anywhere else.