Upgrading wall outlets

Curious if anyone has found much difference in sound quality upgrading wall outlets.
I use Wattgates on my dedicated lines, I give a 2 to 3 in sound improvement (on a scale of 1 to 10)
Al , they do make a difference. At least if you have dedicated lines. Like the poster above I put one on a standard line and didn't notice much, if any, change. I had not expected much change on my dedicated lines but it was in line with 883Dave's experience. If you have dedicated lines you should try them, if you don't you should get them if at all possible. Makes more difference than almost anything else. Stan
Al , they do make a difference. At least if you have dedicated lines. Like the poster above I put one on a standard line and didn't notice much, if any, change. I had not expected much change on my dedicated lines but it was in line with 883Dave's experience. If you have dedicated lines you should try them, if you don't you should get them if at all possible. Makes more difference than almost anything else. Stan

Thanks Stan. I respect your opinions, which are backed by a great deal of experience. I don't have dedicated lines per se, but there is essentially nothing else on the line feeding the system other than some incandescent lights.

I do plan to give audiophile-grade outlets a try eventually, after I finish baselining and optimizing my present setup which has undergone several component changes recently.

-- Al
Agreed that wall plugs are not filters - the water filtration argument is more accurately ascribed to the idea of using after-market power cords and conditioners.

I just get bothered by the logic of the argument: "if there's 8 miles of crappy electrical wire leading up to your house, why bother with the audiophile stuff?" Whether it's filtering, or whether it's the connection to the power, it's all about making the best out of the power that comes in.

The idea, as I see it, is to connect to the electrical power as securely as possible (via a dedicated line and quality power outlet), then remove the grunge that comes in from the 8 miles of crappy wire. Removing that grunge is not an easy task - many a power cord also seems to remove some good stuff too. But in my experience, a good power setup has more of an effect on my system than interconnect changes do, given a similar budget for each.

Think about it - there are 2 inputs in an audio system. The CD or record or digital file, and electrical power. That's it. Care should be taken to (a) preserve the source signal and (b) deliver the electrical power as effectively as possible, in order to power the equipment that is converting the source into what we hear.
When I tried these premium outlets then, I didn't have dedicated lines yet. But replacing those cheap $1.50 outlets that come with the house with the audiophile grade ones brought huge improvements. Try it.