Upgrading wall outlets

Curious if anyone has found much difference in sound quality upgrading wall outlets.
I was only saying that the opinion of someone who had never listened to something should be given its proper value. By coincidence I was looking at the HIFICHOICE for this month in which Paul Messenger points out that in regard to outlets:" I've still found it possible to make quite dramatic changes in sound quality , using numerous usually mutually exclusive techniques of wildly varying prices." This has been the experience of most of us WHO HAVE ACTUALLY TRIED IT. Of course, we simple folk lack the wisdom of those who are able to know without actually having to go to the trouble of listening themselves. They live in the world of Aristotle and not of science where pure logic can tell you what will happen without messy experiments.
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This thread is a hoot I must post the following short reminders...

...all amplifiers sound the same...
...all cables sound the same...
...all (insert ignorant statement) sound the same...


fwiw: this one's been here for all of 90 days; what more would you expect? They come & they go. We've seeen it all after 10+ years on these boards.
Hmmm, so now all of the psuedo-experts and engineers come out. Guys, by all means believe what you want to believe. By all means discount physics and electromagnetic theory.

Stanwal - I never claimed that I hadn't tried ever tried changing an outlet. Nor had I claimed that there could not be an improvement by do so. What I DID claim is that I don't believe that, in and of itself (and barring some major issue with the power delivery in an average home, which should be addressed at the source of the problem), changing an outlet will make a substantial difference in the sonic signature of an amplifier (or any other piece of analog and/or digital) audio gear.

Jea48 - Interesting article. It starts out with some good factual information, then concludes with some personal examples and advice which has little or no correlation with the factual information.

Bob_bundus - 'nuff said.

One last word: if "hospital grade outlets" are so important, why doesn't any high-end audio equipment manufacturer recommend this necessary upgrade? If super-expensive rooty-tooty power cords are so necessary, please advise me of which high-end audio equipment manufacturers design, build, sell and/or recommend this essential part? Can you explain why CJ, or ARC, or Krell, or McIntosh amongst others would both compromise their expensive systems and leave money on the table?
Gr3098's last question is excellent. I've often wondered at it myself. The old "aiming for a price point" excuse is not gonna fly here.