Appogg isolation platform under preamp

I saw an Appogg isolation platform at a local hi-fi open house. I have not been able to find much info on it. Anyone know if there is a web site or any info on this isolation platform?

Great to hear that there was a positive audible effect under your preamp.

Does the isolation platform work under amps?

The responses have gotten me excited. I need to set up a home audition.
I will have the effect on amps answer in a couple of weeks, I am working with them to build a pair for under my VAC Phi's. I too was impressed by them at the Austin show and Aaron just seems like a really solid and detail oriented guy so far! I'm pretty enthused and expecting good things on the amps.
Audiobuilder, I will be testing the Appogg platform under my Rowland 312 amp the week of Aug 24th. Will post results here. Guido
Well the designer/builder stopped by with another surprise, an arm full of the darn things! He put one under my amp as well as the power supply and yes sir, it does make a difference under your amp. It seems that no matter where it is applied it pretty much does the same thing; cleaner/blacker back ground, less noise and just allows the music to flow with ease for lack of a better word/description. It appears that they fall under the catagory of "the more the merrier".

At the moment there is one under almost every piece of my gear, I was thinking "well how nice, coming by personally and putting them in my system". Yeah, now I know what they're up too-it's a trap! They are setting me up so when he comes to take them back and I can't stand it without them I'll be forced to buy em! Damn them.... ;)

The website mentioned some polymer suspesion compound between the platform and the chassis. Can someone explain what that is? Are they balls like the Ginkgo platforms? Weight limit? Anyone tried it under a suspension turntable?
