Specs on PSE Studio Mark IV

Hi folks,

I have a PSE Studio Mark IV driving my Thiels that I am happy with. I am playing around with putting a simple preamp in place of my receiver (Outlaw 1050).

One option that I'm considering is going passive so that my cd player has a more direct connection to the amp.

But, I don't have any literature on the amp. Does anyone have the specs on this amp that they could share with me to help in matching for impedence and capacitance? (which I think are the critical aspects of matching for a passive system if I understand all that I've been reading)

My cd player is the NAD 540 which has 2.2 volt output with 300 ohm impedance.

Anyone else gone passive into the PSE?

I'm also considering a small tube preamp and am toying with the idea of DIY for either the passive or the tube.


I just recently picked up a PSE Studio IV amp and can agree with every positive thing that has been said so far. It is so musical with pace & drive, a real toe tapper to listen to and prefered it over a Stereophile Class A recommended amp I owned previously. Superb texturing and layering of the music coupled with a huge soundstage, definately a keeper!
Phd I have a pse hl-1 pre amp from pse and have Dean's info in case you need repair as he was still involved in support of his gear last I talked with him;he is a real nice person to talk with.
Dean Klinefelter;Phone number is 763-295-1710 for anyone who may need it as well.
I have no relationship to seller.
Sorry, the above link was posted differently than when it appeared when previewed. The link is for a PSE Studio SL Preamplifier. The auction ends 04/04/2012. It might be worth a look.
I'm surprised but pleased to read of this interest in PSE. They didn't seem to be very well known when they were current products.

Back in the '70s I owned the current version of Vandersteen 2s and had the chance to visit Bill Low's (Audioquest) home. He had a pair of Vandy 2's placed well away from the walls in a large family room, driven by PSE amp and pre. That was one of the two best demos I ever heard of Vandersteen 2s. The other was at Havens and Hardesty driven by ARC tube gear.

The positive impression at Low's influenced me to buy a complete PSE set up -- amp, preamp, and tuner. It didn't sound quite as good as at Low's but I could only blame my room for that.

I did have one occasion to contact Dean and found him to be very knowledgeable and supportive for his gear, as well as being an all around nice guy.