I'm surprised but pleased to read of this interest in PSE. They didn't seem to be very well known when they were current products.
Back in the '70s I owned the current version of Vandersteen 2s and had the chance to visit Bill Low's (Audioquest) home. He had a pair of Vandy 2's placed well away from the walls in a large family room, driven by PSE amp and pre. That was one of the two best demos I ever heard of Vandersteen 2s. The other was at Havens and Hardesty driven by ARC tube gear.
The positive impression at Low's influenced me to buy a complete PSE set up -- amp, preamp, and tuner. It didn't sound quite as good as at Low's but I could only blame my room for that.
I did have one occasion to contact Dean and found him to be very knowledgeable and supportive for his gear, as well as being an all around nice guy.