Shindo pre w/ Quicksiler amps a good match

I have recently purchased a Shindo Monbrison. I look forward to hearing a Shindo amp, but have not yet had the opportunity to hear one. In the here and now, I was looking for a less costly alternative to a Shindo amp, at least 25 or more watts for power. Has anyone heard a Shindo pre with any of the Quickie amps. Thanks in advance.
I have the Quicksilver 6C33C Triode Monoblocs (55 watts) with the Monbrison and the combination is great (transparent and sweet with a reasonable amount of drive) with my Merlins. I have been thinking about the Haut Brion (and thinking about possibly changing speakers to Proac D38's, Devore Nines, AG Uno Nano's, or Verity), but I would want to hear it in my system (or future system) against the Quickies for a few days before I made the decision as I would want to make certain that there is enough dynamic drive.
The decision to go all Shindo is must take into account the the efficiency of the speakers in one's system and their impedance curve. BTW, I heard the Cortese with the Devore Nines at In Living Stereo last week and was very impressed with what the 10 watt Cortese could do. Absolutely, loved it with the Monbrison.
Aronss, good to hear from you. You were the one I was referring to as having used Quickies with a Shindo pre. So, glad to hear that you are happy with the combo. I was thinking about the Mid Mono's which have about the same power rating as your Triodes while fitted w/ El-34's. It would be hard to go wrong with the Mid Mono at around $1,100 used. Besides, I don't know that people really go wrong with Quicksilver in general. I will look in to the input impedance of your amps, to see if their rating is close to the MM's. I may have to call Mr. Sanders, as your Triode is the amp he never listed on his website. As far as your speaker quest goes, I have about 50-60 hours on my Nines and have been very impressed so far. Although like you, I would really want to hear a Shindo amp in my system. I owned Parsifal Encore's, and IMO they are a great speaker. However, I feel like the 55 watts may be an issue depending on your room size, how loud you listen.... They do have a new speaker called the Leonore that is much more efficient. You may be aware of this, since ILS is a dealer. I don't know the Proac, other than having heard here in the forums that they like a bit of power. The good thing is ILS is a dealer for all you mentioned except the Avant-Garde's.
I owned the Verity Parsifals for 7yrs, now have the Sarastros, used the Masseto and the Corton Charlemagne 80s with the Parsifals... worked very, very well. Contact me if you go that way. I do agree that you can use another amp as well, but if you can, go for the CC80s. I did not try lower power Shindos, but I would recommend the power of the 80s as being required to bring the Parsifals to life.
Fjn04 I'm running a Aurieges MM with the new Shindo Montille 6V6 version and Shindo interconnects. The Montille with Shindo interconnects is in your $$ range and I doubt that you could do better for the money and then some. If you can, give the Montille 6V6 a listen especially with your speakers and preamp. Highly recommended.
Fjn04 I have had the mid monos in my system and while they are good, they are not nearly as transparent as my Quickies. If possible I would try to find a used pair of V4's and replace the KT88's with EL34's. I have heard the EL34's in Quickies at Audio Connection and they were fastastic. If I get the Proacs and need more power I may go for the V4's and do just that. Another option would be to try the Music Reference EL 84 based amp. It's quite nice and killer on electric guitar.
BTW why did you get rid of your Parsifals? And how do the Nines compare?