Shindo pre w/ Quicksiler amps a good match

I have recently purchased a Shindo Monbrison. I look forward to hearing a Shindo amp, but have not yet had the opportunity to hear one. In the here and now, I was looking for a less costly alternative to a Shindo amp, at least 25 or more watts for power. Has anyone heard a Shindo pre with any of the Quickie amps. Thanks in advance.
I owned the Verity Parsifals for 7yrs, now have the Sarastros, used the Masseto and the Corton Charlemagne 80s with the Parsifals... worked very, very well. Contact me if you go that way. I do agree that you can use another amp as well, but if you can, go for the CC80s. I did not try lower power Shindos, but I would recommend the power of the 80s as being required to bring the Parsifals to life.
Fjn04 I'm running a Aurieges MM with the new Shindo Montille 6V6 version and Shindo interconnects. The Montille with Shindo interconnects is in your $$ range and I doubt that you could do better for the money and then some. If you can, give the Montille 6V6 a listen especially with your speakers and preamp. Highly recommended.
Fjn04 I have had the mid monos in my system and while they are good, they are not nearly as transparent as my Quickies. If possible I would try to find a used pair of V4's and replace the KT88's with EL34's. I have heard the EL34's in Quickies at Audio Connection and they were fastastic. If I get the Proacs and need more power I may go for the V4's and do just that. Another option would be to try the Music Reference EL 84 based amp. It's quite nice and killer on electric guitar.
BTW why did you get rid of your Parsifals? And how do the Nines compare?
Fjn04, I remember now. Yes, the V4s are wonderful amps - reliable, well engineered, and very good sound. But, I think you will find it hard to find a better sounding 35 watt amp than the Music Reference RM10, but it is a matter of sufficient power. Maybe it is the use of the EL84, which seems to be a wonderful tube, but almost always too low in power for many speakers. Another benefit is that the amps is rated for 10,000 hours on those tubes. Well, anyway, just a thought. As good as the V4s are, and you know there sound, I think you would be very impressed with what the little Music Reference amp can do.
Hatari, I am with you on that. I did use Tenor the 75 Wi during my 6+ years with the PE's. They were borderline for me for having enough drive. They sounded so good though. My other favorite amp on the PE was the CJ Premier 8A's. These were the only tubes I owned on the Parsifal, although an audition of an Ait Tight ATM-2 was very impressive IMO. I would like to have the opportunity to try the Corton El-34 monos w/ my Nines. Doclamb, thanks for the info. I will check in to the Montille 6V6, the Nines are 91Db, 7ohm load. I have been thinking at least 25-30 watts, which I believe is the power rating for the Corton El-34 monos. An amp like the Mid Mono or Rm-10ii may make for a painless wait until I am in a position to spend 12K on the CC's. Aronss, at this point the Parsifals' were my favorite speaker. It seems that people hold on to Parsifal's for a while. I listen to alot of Door's, Led Zep, SRV..., and I wanted something that would move amore air , and play bigger than the PE's. That said, they were no slouch on rock IMO. The Nines have impressed me very much, so much that I they are worth the effort to find a good amp match. I think The Parsifal's may add a little bit of their own warmth in the mid's, and the tweeter is very naturally detailed but not offensive. The Nines seem a bit more neutral, but not in a bad way. It does seem to have a tighter, better defined bass than the Verity. I think they will take on the character of their partnering amp and upstream components. Beyond that, it's tough to compare , because I had three speakers in and out between the PE's and the Nines. So, literally none of the same components in front of them. All that said, I look forward to finally have the ability to play with low-mid power tube amps. I am hoping that a good, properly matched low powered tube amp will have that refinement and magic that I am seeking. Yep, magic. There, I said it. Thanks again for all your input so far.