Does Pass Aleph 3 heat up the room like tube amp?

Could any of your Aleph 3 owners tell me how hot is the amp running? Does it heat up the room like tube amps do?

I currently own a Diavolo SET amp which make my smallish room pretty toasty! I didn't had that problems with my old 300B amp before.

Keep the door open while listening is not an option as my 2 year old's room is near by.
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I had a PS Audio P300 conditioner on demo from my local Wilson/Rowland dealer. Stanwal is right on.
Using the watt display on the P300, my Aleph 30 drew a little over 200 watts on start-up, and stabilized at 180 watts constant draw after 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the temp & sound stabilized.
When I had my Aleph 3 & Aleph 30, I'd leave either one on 24/7 in my bedroom system here in Phoenix. From mid September until mid March, I didn't run my heat pump unless it got really cold. Either Aleph amp ran warm enough to heat my bedroom.
Right now, I have an Adcom 5400 in my bedroom system, driving Usher BE718s. The Adcom runs cool enough to leave on constantly, and sounds good enough to me to do summer duty.
Yes, it is class "A" runs warm/hot. It's a nice amp. Sounds good after a half an hour... to an hour. So turn it off. No problem. (Mine sounded good with Audioquest Viper interconnects.) Good luck. Catagory: Probably shouldn't have sold it.
Thanks guys. Glad I asked. Look like I have to stay away from Plinius, Pass Labs & Clayton!

Any good cool running amps should I look at? I tried an Old Rotel amp from my HT system, it sounded really bad!
my experience has been that if you choose a system based on the heat that it makes (or doesn't), the sound will reflect that.

If the heat issue is really that bad, look into class D amps.

There are probably other alternatives though. You could vent the heat out of the room via the ceiling or a vent near the ceiling. Or you could use more efficient speakers and run a smaller amp.