Does Pass Aleph 3 heat up the room like tube amp?

Could any of your Aleph 3 owners tell me how hot is the amp running? Does it heat up the room like tube amps do?

I currently own a Diavolo SET amp which make my smallish room pretty toasty! I didn't had that problems with my old 300B amp before.

Keep the door open while listening is not an option as my 2 year old's room is near by.
My DNA-500 used to run pretty cool and I kept it on all the time. It would be worth auditioning.
Some of the amps on offer from the companies you mention offer a switch that lowers the bias and allows the amp to run a bit cooler when not in use or not being used for critical listening. Didn't know if you were aware of that or if it would make a difference, but just thought I'd mention it since I didn't see it mentioned above.
Kentchai, Plinius now makes class A/B amps that they claim sound "frighteningly close" (see their website) to their Class A amps.

I own a Plinius SA 201 and it sounds great to me. I have not been able to compare it to their Class A amps. To my ear its sound falls on the warm, musical side of the spectrum, which is what I think you are looking for with a class A amp. It runs warm but not hot.
I changed from an Aleph 3 to a 22watt SET, now that is hot. The Aleph 3 you can put your hand on for 10-15 seconds, the SET less. The SET in practice produces far more heat, it is useable, with some discomfort, in the Summer. I never kept either on all the time. The SET of course you would'nt and I agree with Truman, the Aleph 3,warms up to a good performance, quickly.

I absolutely do'nt want to reopen arguments about world resources, but personally, I find it difficult to waste electricity, sourced from fossil fuels, leaving a class A amp on all the time. Other people think differently I know, that's up to them

My Diavolo 13 watt Set is probably not as hot as your Viva.
How does the ALeph 3 sound compared to the Viva?