Balanced preamp tube for Magnepan 3.6 or 20.1

Please, an excellent totally balanced preamp for Magnepan 3.6 or 20.1 I can consider? I have two Mcintosh mc501 and one mc402 as amps. Someone told me BAT VK-31SE, VTL and others Audio Research LS-26. I would to obtein an open scene with a clear, detailed sound and a powerful warm bass in general.
I don't know the best combination with Mcintosh solid state amps.
Thanks for your helps,
A friend uses the Audio Research Ref.3 with Mcintosh 1201s and Maggie 20.1s. One of the nicest systems I have heard.
I used the BAT with Maggie 3.6's and thought the sound was very sharp. One dealer told me the BAT sound was solid state sounding, and then said, " Thats Not a Compliment" In addition, I had to run the volume setting on the BAT to very high levels ( 95+) to achieve 85 db SPL on my Maggies. I changed to an Audio Note M3 pre-amp with the tube rectified output stage and was very happy. FWIW: I was using a Classe CA 400 amp with the Maggies.
Hi, I had that exact combination (MG 20.1's;Bat VK31SE; MC501's) and while it sounded good, it got better when I put in a McIntosh C500t (I found it used, for less $$). I am a huge McIntosh fan, but I did not think the MC501's did as well with the 20.1's. If you have the Mc402 you could bi-amp the Maggies which makes a big difference. I hear that the McIntosh C2300 is an excellent Pre-amp and it has 3 sets of balanced outs to help bi-amp. Hope this is helpful.