Pre for Aerial 9s, Classe CAM 350 and Modwr. TP

I run this system with the Modwright Transporter direct to power with no pre. It sounds great, but I am nonetheless considering a pre to add weight to the image and expand the soundstage. I like a somewhat tuby and warm sound, but not overly so. I also like laidback components as I fatigue from forward systems.

I am leaning toward a Modwright 36.5. I heard it at an audio show and was quite impressed. The MW TP was voiced with that pre, which also cuts in its favor.

I have heard Cary gear and liked it. Posters on various forums rave about the SLP-05. I have also read raves about the EAR 868. Some prefer to the MW. Both supposedly have a more tuby sound than the MW. I will not likely have an opportunity to audition these.

The MW seems like a safe and solid bet, but I am intrigued by the the Cary and EAR.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone with experience with these pres or any other pre I should consider. Given that I can't audition all of them I want all of the info I can get before I pull the trigger.

Thankis in advance.
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Hey, I was hoping for a little more input. Anyone?

BTW, I should know this but don't have a good handle on it. How can I ensure a good impedance match? The input impedance is 75ohm (balanced) and the output impedance on the CLasse is .017 ohm. Is 10xule of thunmb? Or what?

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