High power amp reccomendations, airy highs a must

I'm needing a new 2ch power amp that can EASILY offer 300 or more watts into 4 ohms. Must have airy extended highs and well controlled bass. Resolution preferred over the warm glow sound, BUT NO CLINICAL ETCHED highs that are often thought of as resolution! Oh yeah ... I don't need it to cost a fortune. Used is just fine as well. NO TUBES
One of the Musical Fidelity big integrated. They weigh about 110 pounds [separate power supply] and put out more power than you are likely to need. I have the smallest one , the NuVista M3, which is 275 into 8 about 500 into 4 and close to 900 into 2 with one channel driven. The 500 is , of course 500 into 8 and the 550 , well, you know. The TriVista is between the M3 and the 500. The bad news is they have 4 tubes in the front end, the good news is that they are very small and cheap and last 100,000 hours. Or 20 years of time left on. They have excellent highs and VERY tight bass but not the brightness you are talking about. I also cannot stand this. I have been a confirmed SS user since 1964 so don't worry about these having a "Tubey" sound. These will run from around $2100 to $5000 depending on model and condition, I don't know of anything else with the performance for the money. Also very well built.
I like the coda and mccormack recommendations so I will add
Belles and Odyssey into the mix;what speakers are you going to be driving with the new amp?