The Best Tube Amplifiers vs Spectron ?

Before I bought Spectron stereo amp for my Watt/Puppy 8 I used McIntosh 2202, excellent tube amp and one of the best I ever owned. However, Spectron was better or even much better in all respects, most interesting - harmonic richness of midrange closely approximated the real music. The key is that this amp need very long time to fully break-in.

Today, I have read the latest Spectron's review (see where reviewer preferred Spectrons over state-of-the-art $50k VTL Siegfrieds!!! Amazingly, he wrote "The Musician III Mk II monoblocks have a crystalline purity in the reproduction of every voice and instrument that sounds more to me like the essence of live, unamplified music -- which I attend, on average, more than once a week year-round -- than any other amplifiers -- at any cost, based on any technology-- that I have ever heard."

I must agree with him (plus with Spectron you have no output tube maintenance, no heat, no huge weight) and I wonder if others have similar experience.

I had the Spectron Musician 3 in my system (with Maggies), and it sounded a bit bright. Maybe I didn't give it enough time to break in before I got rid of it. Also, I had a SS preamp at the time, maybe if I had my current Cary Preamp there would have been a better match. It replaced some Innersound monoblocks there were AMAZING. Fast, tons of bass, and extended highs. With the exception of the current amps I have, the Innersounds (now Sanders Sound) were the best amps I have ever heard with Maggies. Although, the Brystons are great too.

It really is a synergy thing with amps and speakers especially. I was very excited to get some McIntosh 501's a little more than a year ago, and they sounded aweful when I put them in my system. I tried different cables of all types, to no effect. I called McIntosh (great and very helpful) the guys asked what type of speaker I had, then said try them on another speaker to see if there was anything wrong before sending them back.

A buddy has some B&W Nautilus', so I hauled those bad boys over to his house, and hooked them up, and man, his system never sounded so good. In fact, those amps are at his house to this day in a great sounding system.

I guess the point is, between subjectivity in preference, and nuances in differnt equipment, there is never going to be a 'best anything'.

Well except for Magnepan speakers!!
" ...Compared against the 'best' tube amps? There are a lot of tube amps out there. Did you listen to all of them :) ??"

Hello Athmaspere,

No, I did not. However, Wayne Donnelley being so many years music reviewer and audio equipment reviewer probably did enough listening to conclude:

"The Musician III Mk II monoblocks have a crystalline purity in the reproduction of every voice and instrument that sounds more to me like the essence of live, unamplified music -- which I attend, on average, more than once a week year-round -- than any other amplifiers -- at any cost, based on any technology-- that I have ever heard."

All my life I used tube amplifiers and I was surprised that its not only I who found Spectrons so life-like - similar and even better then the limited amount of the best tubes amps I owned and/or auditioned. That's all.

Thank you.

I have heard the same system with Teajay and he is being incredibly charitable.
Michael, there is no rigorous testing that one needs pass in order to qualify as a audio reviewer. True, they do have more access to equipment than the average audiophile, but in the end, they all bring their own set of values and biases to an audition, just like us. I think that most of those who rely on the opinions of reviewers would be amazed at what some of these guys consider state of the art sound. I also heard that same system as Teajay and Baranyi and, uh, well... the reviewer was a gracious host and seemed to have a pleasant personality.
I do not think that there is a best tube amp or best solid state amp. Any piece of equipment must be carefully integrated into your system and the synergy that many have mentioned must exist in order for you to enjoy the music.

I do know from experience that each one of these technologies are great for what they can do. I also know that modern technology has allowed the envelope of tubes and solid state amps to sound even better then before.

The new Octave mono tube amps, MRE130, which just recently became part of the Dynaudio chain, can drive speakers as low as 2ohms. They are designed with the capability to drive low impedance from the start and with the outboard power rectifying supply upgrade, tube owners will not have to worry about driving "Hard to drive speakers". I know, I have a set of B&W N800's and they sound great, make great music and sound realistic in regards to the portrayal of music with these tube amps. Layering. I have auditioned Mark Levinson, Krell and Burmester, and none offer me the sense of spaciousness on my system that I hear with the Octave MRE130's. Others willl probably have different results and that is the one thing that makes finding the "the best tube amp" versus Spectron hard, there are so many options. You might have just found the best synergy for your system. Great.