About a month ago I decided to demo a pair of Ultimate Speaker cables and a pair of Ultimate IC's. I purchased a set of CT-1's about a year ago. I thought them to be far better than any cables that I had heard in my 45+ years as an audiophile. I was expecting the Ultimate's to be better, but I was not prepared for just how wonderful they are. I have owned the best of Nordost, MIT, Analysis Plus, and others over the years. They belong in the category of very good cables. The High Fidelity Ultimate's are a revelation! Putting them in the system is like putting in a great new preamp. No, it is like putting in a great new amp and speakers. No, putting in the Ultimate's is like replacing one's whole system with one that is many times better than before. The Ultimate's in my opinion should be considered a very high end component and not just cables. They allow a clarity of holographic sound that must be heard to be believed. I delayed my demo a long time because of what I thought were hyperbolic statements on this thread that I had trouble believing. Hearing IS believing with the Ultimate's. They give detail as I have never heard before and yet are utterly non-fatiguing. It seems that they lower distortion by an order of magnitude allowing more music to flow. Bass is more palpable. Highs are more refined. It is like the highest quality camera and lens capturing a beautiful picture compared to one taken by a Brownie camera from days gone by. HF cables do need many hours of break-in and if moved some break-in is again required. Do not listen to them unless you are prepared to purchase them! The HF Ultimate's are just absolutely magnificent and the best purchase I have ever made in all my decades as an audiophile.