Most beneficial change .

I am seeking opinions about what to change first , my speakers or my amplification .

I have a Primaluna Prologue 2 integrated feeding Reference 3a Decapo i speakers from a Granite Audio 657 CDP using the tubed side most of the time . I have rolled the input tubes on the integrated to warm things up some which helped nicely . The system is in a small 10'X11' room on the diagonal with some room treatments . The room is carpeted and my chair is overstuffed leather with a matching foot stool .

I get good tone , extension , details , resolution and PRaT but it is kind of boring ! It all sounds pretty good but I don't want to tap my toes ,bob my head or play the air guitar ! I can listen for long periods of time with ease but just don't want to . Easy to fall asleep ! I guess that I would like to increase the dynamics and musicality . I prefer tubes .

Suggestions ?

Thank you for your input .
I think your loudspeakers are fine. In fact, I have often heard Reference 3A speakers to be very energetic and engaging. You've already played a bit with cabling, and that did seemed to leave you nonplussed.

My opinion on why the system does not come alive is related to the amplifier, though not the amplifier itself. Please give a quad of JJ E34L a try, and your problems might be solved right there. In my experience, comparing KT88 versus EL34 in most cases has left me feeling exactly as you do now.
Trelja ; as an owner of the Granite 657 , do you think that it could be the cause of any my maladies ? Feel free to pm me with your answer if you wish .
I will try the EL 34's .

Thank you .
I'm pretty confident that your issue is the deCapo. It's a terrific speaker (I owned them for several years) that is very easy to drive, tonally neutral and wider bandwidth than cabinet size would suggest. But, but, but...big dynamic swings are the achilles heel. I feel exactly the same way about very expensive Quad ESLs, so you can hardly bitch about the deCapos given their other strengths and price tag.

I'd try to borrow a very dynamic speaker (maybe a horn loaded system) from a local dealer for an in-home audition. That should help determine what you're after.

Good Luck

IMHO, of course, the things that cause a boring system: 1) boring music, 2) slow transients and/or slurred timing, 3) and veiled harmonics.

If 2 and 3 are excellent, you will have natural timbre, dynamics, PRAT, and detail. If they are not well done, no big dynamic swings, tempo, big volume, slam, punch, room treatments, wire, stones or tweaks will replicate music well.
Saki70, I think that so long as you use the solid state output of the Granite 657 once in a while, which would confirm that something with the output tubes are not what you are hearing, it would infer that the CD player is not causing the problem.