I think your loudspeakers are fine. In fact, I have often heard Reference 3A speakers to be very energetic and engaging. You've already played a bit with cabling, and that did seemed to leave you nonplussed.
My opinion on why the system does not come alive is related to the amplifier, though not the amplifier itself. Please give a quad of JJ E34L a try, and your problems might be solved right there. In my experience, comparing KT88 versus EL34 in most cases has left me feeling exactly as you do now.
My opinion on why the system does not come alive is related to the amplifier, though not the amplifier itself. Please give a quad of JJ E34L a try, and your problems might be solved right there. In my experience, comparing KT88 versus EL34 in most cases has left me feeling exactly as you do now.