Zero Feedback: Atmasphere vs. BAT

Do Atmasphere and BAT have similar sound because they both use low or zero feedback tube designs?

I am considering these amps for my 8 ohm 89db Spendor S8e's.

I am looking for smoothness, Transparency and sound on the warm side. I am leaning toward a BAT VK75, it can be upgraded and it runs AB instead of the hot class A. You can also upgrade to VK 150. From what I can gather the 140 watt MA1 is superior in the area of dynamics, that would be the main reason to go Atmasphere to the best of my knowledge as OTL is super fast and more of a rock out style.

I am looking for used gear that can be supported over the long term by a good company.
Atma-Sphere support is nothing short of excellant. They are readily available by e-mail or phone and help with troubleshooting, upgrade suggestions, and whatever your questions might be. They give practical advise that I find has been downright superb. The sound is accurate, detailed, and with excellant bass extension, definition, and control not often found in tubed gear. BIG sound stage, too. Highly recommended.

Scottlanterman - I read very positive review of Atmasphere (MA-1) but what makes them hot is amount of current that tube heaters consume. Each tube is about 6.3V 2.5A and there is 28 of them total. That equals to 441W dissipated power just for the heaters. Total power dissipated might be in order of 1kW.
Hello Marakanetz,

If you look at the Atmasphere website they espouse very low to zero feedback and they claim to have achieved it. These guys often get very high praise by audio clubs that are not part of any audio magazine. I emailed them, and they do respond really well and are helpful even when dealing with someone looking to buy used gear. I think BAT is also very good from reputation and review. I wonder how they compare sound wise since one is AB the other is A?
