I would like some feedback on a int. amp

I need some ideas regarding a smallish sized integrated amp. It needs to be around 100 watts @ 8 ohms and offer a remote control. I say the physical size should not be bigger than 17” wide and 5-6” high. The depth isn’t too critical. I will be looking on the used market and have about $1000-1500 to spend. Phono is nice but not essential. I am interested in the follow brands but have never listened to any of them: Musical Fidelity, Vincent, Sim Audio YBA, Naim, NAD master series, Classe or Creek. I have monitor speakers and listen to jazz, American songbook, classical and some blues. The room is 17 X 30 X 8’ and we don’t blast the volume. I like a smooth sound with tight bass and a nice soundstage with front-to-back imaging. What are some of your favorites that I should check out & thanks in advance.
the vincent hybrid, which has 100w and 150w versions, is just great and within your budget. (reportedly, shengya makes an identical, less expensive version, which i have not auditioned).
Agree with Br3098, we need to know the speakers to make a better recommendation.
I have speakers that are 89dB efficiency. Now I have Usher V601 but will upgrade when $ is available and I am using a NAD C 720BEE for power with these.