Classic McIntosh tube amp or new other brand

In my quest to purchase a tube amp I am faced with the following dilemma, within the given price range, is it preferable to purchase a classic McIntosh amp, such as MC-30 monoblocks or MC-240 or by another brand in new or near new condition?

As an alternative I am considering Quicksiler Mid-Monos, Cary Rocket 88, Leben CS300 to name a few...

Currently, I am driving Monitor Audio RS-6s, with a 35W Marantz PM5003. I am happy with the power.

Preference is based on the following;
Sound Quality, resale value, life expectancy as well as cost of replacing tubes over the life of the unit.

Your input would be greatly appreciated
Vintege Macs will hold up it's value over time. From time to time you can find Mc-240 or Mc-30 amps from EBax that already been gone over by techs, a good sign of it is some new caps in the power supply side.
I currently own 2 Mc-240 driving some old EV 12trxb's in the Aristocrat cabinets and it sounds great.
Thanks for the responses

I auditioned the Mid-Monos yesterday and I was pleasently surprised. Esthetically I find the units not so attractive, but sonically they sound awesome. Great detail and a nice low end. I now understand where all the positive feedback comes from for the quickies.

I also auditioned a Cary Rocket 88. We used the pre-amp that was used to audition the quickies and it did not have enough gain to drive the rocket 88. Even in ultralinear mode the rocket 88 was not capable producing enough volume. At 40W it should be more than enough to drive the RS6s, but it wasn't. It was explained to me that Cary power amps require high gain pre-amps. I do not have a high gain pre-amp.

Besides the brands already suggested, are there any other good value brands the you could suggest?