Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?

I own a Rotel pre/pro RSP-985 SS preamp and a matching Rotel 120 watt power amp. If I wanted to move into tubes, would I get better mileage out of a tube pre or tube power amp?

I love the convenience of the rotel preamp (remote, built in DACS etc) but I understand that a tube pre will have more impact than just a tube power amp. Is this correct?

Also, my speakers are 91db efficient. What wattage tube power amp would I need to drive them to medium/loud levels?


I would go for a tubed preamp first, although a tubed power amp would be a natural step forward in time.

There are good options in the used market from Melos (SHA1 sig), Audible Illusions or Counterpoint.
I have just seen an Aranov preamp here at AGON that looks like what you are looking for...(I do not know the seller and/or interested in pushing this item) just a safe disclaimer. :)
For your situation I support the suggestion for the tube amp. I've tried all SS/tube pre/amp combinations, and my favorite was the SS pre/tube amp combo I had until a few years ago. I observed a bigger change in the sound (for the better) with the tube amp than anything else. I intend to move back to a tube amp soon for that reason. And your speaker's specs suggest that a reasonably priced tube amp should be able to drive them with authority. I think you'll be thrilled with the tube amp and Rotel preamp.

Stevecuss, I owned the Rotel 980BX amp & RC990BX preamp a long while back w/ B&W speakers for a short time. Rotel delivers a lot for the money, but their gear is extremely lean compared to other manufacturers(B&W's didn't help). I just felt that the life was bleached out of music. The move to tubes was the best thing I ever did.

That being said, I always felt that the Rotel amp was far more neutral than the preamp, sonically.
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