Bi amping my Vonschwikert VR4jrs

I want to bi amp my VR4jr's but have been told that i need perfectly matched amps to do this. Is it possible to run my larger amp 200wpc for the base units, and a smaller amp for the mids/tweets?
Celeste HT3 Amp
Sim Audio Moon p-5 pre amp
Vonschwikert VR4jr speakers
Project RM5
I'm currently bi-amping a pair of vr4 hse's, with a 175wpc amp for bass units and 60 watt Dyna mk iiis on the mids/tweets, with very good results. The ss power amp has volume pots which makes it easier (They're set between "4" and "5"), but if you don't have them there's probably a relatively inexpensive way of attenuating the pre-outs going to the bass amp.

Here's a good thread on the subject started by Albert himself.
No you don't need "perfectly matched amps", but you do have to be able to control the gain within reason on at least one of the amps, whereby then you can match the gain being delieved too both. Leading to a balanced presentation into your very very nice speakers.
As a listener, not an engineer, is there anyone in the Sacramento California area that can point me in the right direction to get this resister/gain thing figured out?