AMR CD-77 vs. Ayon CD-5 as DAC/USB & CD5 preamp

Do any of you have any experience with either the AMR CD-77 or the Ayon CD-5 as DACs via the USB port you can share?

Direct comparison would be fantastic, but individual descriptions would also be definitely helpful.

Also any experiences with the preamp section of the CD5 would be appreciated.

Thanks and enjoy the tunes,
>>10-27-09: Audiofeil


No digital sounds like vinyl.<<

Apparently it does to Jimphd14...

This is a DAC I was considering...
Has anyone had any exposure to this ?
How is the sound ?

I want to connect it in either of the 2 ways;

a] USB from Mother Board of my music server

b] Firewire to Weiss Minerva & then a digital cable to the 'skylla'

What will work 'better'
What is the suggested retail price of this DAC ?
What are the other options to consider ?


Audiofool, only you can be the judge apparently. Could it be that you don't sell these? No! That is just a coincidence.