An honest opinion about upgrading?

I'd like to get better definition and clarity out of my music which is mostly jazz, chill, new age, vocals and some classical. Do i need new speakers, would mono blocks with more power give me a better sound, how about a great integrated amp.
My speakers are the Paradigm S-8's, the power amp is the Rouge Audio 90, the pre amp is the Rouge Audio Magnum 99. I have the Ayon CD-1, Music Hall 9.1 with Black cartridge. My cables are all in the 200-400 price range. What should i do?... i'd like to hear a better sound for a reasonable amount of money. I think about the Ayon Triton integrated amp or maybe the Rouge Audio mono blocks (150 WPC vs the 90 i have now).

With what i have what would your next move be.
For definition and clarity, maybe worth thinking about the mains installation, and running your system from a balanced isolating transformer, i.e. equitech, well respected in the us. This made quite a difference to mine, i was happy overall tonally, and i listen to similar music to yours.
Your power amp is not well suited to drive these speakers. S-8 has very low impedance of around 2.5 Ohms. I'd get some serious power if you want more clarity
IF the volume levels which you are obtaining are satifying to you; much of the improvement you desire can be had via NOS driver/phase splitter tubes in your power amp. For definition and clarity, I'd personally recommend a pair of Siemens ECC83's, and bottom gettered Sylvania 6SN7GT's, from the 40/50's. The same 6SN7s can be used in the pre, but they have to be graded, "low noise". Some examples of what to look for, that won't break the bank: ( ( Installing dedicated power lines from your mains(I used two parallel runs, twisted, of 10AWG) will improve your system's dynamics. A pair of Synergistic Research AC Powermasters on the pre and main amps will offer greater definition and imaging improvements(If the speaker/room interface is up to it). Kimber Heroes, Silver Streaks or KCAGs will also help you achieve your goals, as they are more transparent than many other cables in the price range you mentioned. Where were the output tubes manufactured? If Chinese; you may consider a set of Winged 'C'(St petersburg plant) KT88s, ie (
ICs, then amp (s). room treatments too need be investigated.

Better ICs will aid clarity though only to the degree your gear possesses. take care not to attain ICs which pronounce or acentuate the top and bottom end only as a false impression of gain is sure to follow.

Amps, or better yet, power, means control. Having great control of the speakers will sure enlist more clarity, less sibalence, tighter bass, better imaging and sound stage recreation. Mono blocks are usually a plus over stereo amps if no power diffs are had due to having dedicated power supplies per ch. Normally it is a decided improvemnet and very noticeable.

I heard the Paradigm on some hefty Mac gear and the more power applied to it from the MC252 to the MC 602, each gain upwards in amp alone made the sound better overall. I feel the Paradigms like power... or acted like they did.

Tubes, cables, and treatments will all help you regardless and thus a worthwhile bit of time well wasted. but I suspect at 90 - 150wpc, a sure gain towards your aim is to add some greater power and SS is likely going to come cheaper per watt than will likewise tube gear.... and again, I suspect the Studios will enjoy it.