What is it about the Cary SLI-80?

I've been wondering for some time now why I see so many Cary SLI-80 int. amps for sale on Audiogon? I've considered getting one for myself because of all the positive things I've read about them, but am I missing something? Naturally, a seller isn't going to register disappointment with the amp. Am I just imagining things or is there something about this amp that leads owners to get rid of them more frequently than average? Or do I just notice them more when they are for sale, since I've been interested in them? I haven't ruled them out for me, yet. Just suspicious that they might not live up to the hype. Help me out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to harm anyone's reputation, just after some experienced feedback. I owned Cary monoblocks once and loved their sound. Thanks.
I've been back and forth with and without tubes. I think the hastle of owning tube amps is the reason for the frequent sales. As much as I love the sound, I'm ready to let my tube amp go again. This time in favor of a multichannel music and movie SS system. This may be the reasons, at least it is for me.
I just sold my $16K Krell Evo 402 amp to downsize to a Cary SLI-80 F1. I thought it was going to be a major let down but to my surprise the Cary sounds so good. I am using a pair of JM Lab Electra speakers. I had the regular SLI-80 before, but absolutely love and highly recommend the F1 version.
I think you see lots of them for sale for Cary do sell more tube amps than other smaller companies. People might sell them to upgrade to seperates is another factor. I dont think it's the amp itselft. Just buy a used F1 and see for yourself. You can get most of your money back if you dont like it.
IMO... it's simply popularity. Value. Sales, of course, but primarily it's a good value piece. Adequate power, tube sound, all in one box simplicity.

There's lots of BW speakers available... McIntosh gear too... always up for grabs online. That doesn't make it bad. harder to sell maybe, but not bad.

The only other thing I've noticed without regard to Cary Audio, is when a newer itteration is due out, folks so inclined to move into newer, sell older. So that's something to consider wehn a whole bunch of one thing shows up for sale too.
They are there because they sell a lot of them and you know we want strawbery one day chocolate or vanilla the next.I own and EAR 40 watt but think my buiddy has a much better amp in his Cary 80 which he has upgraded to F1.There are really good integrateds out there from hybrid companies like Pathos and Unico or iof not into same old same old and need lot's of current that new Wyred looks good based on reviews of amp and pore (6moons doing Int review soon).But for tubes Cary is great,I just wish like VTL Cary had a matching amp to go with to bi-amp.VTL and a Marchand x-over makes VTL something to look for but for power for dollar Cary has it beat.My buddy runs his 89 db B&W's just fine in triode.Wish my EAR had a pre-out and triode option.If it's one piece you want with right speakers some decent output tubes and maybe some NOS drivers it's great.I want to go SS for a while but if I do go back to tubes might swap my EAR 834 for the Cary.
The Cary SLI-80 is a gateway drug. Proceed with caution. I had one with all the F1 upgrades and a set of upgrade tubes from Upscale. Heck, the HEADPHONE AMP was almost worth the price of admission...
I ran it with the 306 SACD into Triangle Celius's for a year and a half. Extremely musical. Fed the system all Nordost Valhalla, I liked it so much (I don't know why more audiojunkies don't do this. Used high-end cabling SO maintains its value...). Made the mistake of upgrading the speakers to Coincident Super Eclipses. This opened the floodgates. I bought a pair of Frankensteins, and that woman wouldn't let me keep the Cary.
I still miss it; but its the 300 SEI that gets me salivating these days. Imagine the headphone amp THAT thing would have.