Tube balanced preamp for class D amp?

I'm looking to buy a class D amp (Bel Canto or Seymour) to replace my tube integrated amp but I will also have to buy a tube preamp with balanced connection (and remote) in order extract the best signal from my Simaudio Moon Supernova player. I don'twant to lose the 'tube sound' and my most imporatnt criteria is soundstage. Any suggestions?
VAC Renaissance and Cary SLP05 come to mind. I own the VAC and it is a joy to listen to and operate.
You should be careful and to find out if your selected preamp has:

a) XLR Plugs but single ended inputs/outputs
b) XLR Plugs with balanced inputs/outputs
c) XLR Plugs with true fully balanced preamplifier

Obviously, a) is a faux balanced and c) is the best. I know only BAT which does fully balanced tube preamplifiers. I am sure some other do it too but you will HAVE TO contact manufacturer directly

Good Luck
I suggest the YS Audio Experience Balanced A2 preamp.
Simontju, as far as we know, Atma-Sphere offered the first balanced line products for high end audio, in the form of a fully-differential balanced-line tube preamp. One of the founders of BAT was a customer of ours before going into business for himself. Just setting the record straight...