Luxman L505u . . . why not?

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these--an upgrade from my Rotel receiver. Before I do, I'd like some perspective from the learned A'gon community. First, will it be a significant upgrade from the Rotel? What kind of sonic improvements can I expect? Second, why shouldn't I buy from Audiocubes II?
I know On a Higher Note is the official U.S. distributer, but my budget pushes me towards the less expensive purchase option. Third, regardless of where I purchase it from, it will need a transformer to boost the power to 220. I don't know anything about the possible effects this might have on sound and performance of the component--can anybody speak to this? Is it possible to have the piece modified to accept the U.S. 110 current? I want the piece because it meets my requirements for an integrated: it's at least 100W, it has speaker A/B (I've got speakers in the kitchen and the main living room), it's got a great phono section (I play 50% records, 50% CDs), and it's got a headphone amp. Those are the features I want in an integrated. Any advice, suggestions, dissuasions will be appreciated.

My son lives in Tokyo and brought me back the N100, which are 40% cheaper there. Have had no problems so far. I mostly listen to it on headphones.
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I bought the L-505f made from 2001-2004(model before 505u) back in 2004 from Audiocubes2 website and had no problems with the sale, shipping, transformer, and the unit.

Jones4music said "the 505u and can tell you it is less clear and less focused than the AX7e and 6300 I compared it with". I think that it depends on what you want from a Int amp at this price.

I think people who will like the 505u are people who want to sit back and just enjoy their music not analyze it. The AX7e and 6300 sounds like they bring out more details which is not bad if that is what you want.

Probably the L-550a II does this more than the 550u. Again just depends on what you want and what other equipment you have to find that synergy that produces a sound you enjoy.

The 505f was a very musical int amp and I'll bet the 505u is even more so.
I bought mine from David Michael Audio. A USA version, no transformer required. And loving it . . . . .
If you purchase the Luxman L505u from Japan (100-volt model) you will save $1400. The reason I purchased one is because Luxman does not have a service center here in the USA. Even if you buy it here, if you needed service (which, due to it's quality I highly doubt would occur), you would need to send it to Japan. I am an electronic technician, recently repairing a Luxman R-1120A. The output transistor 2SD746 was not available in the USA, so I ordered it from the Far East (the only place it was available). I inspected the Luxman 505U to see if I could change it to USA 120-volt. It can only be done by replacing the transformer that must come from the Luxman factory in Japan. So, in my opinion, this is a very good deal for a tremendous INT amp. Luxman created a turntable in the late 1970's still considered as one of the finest ever made. Also, there are the 1987 DAC fluency and the 2000 ODNF technologies - impressive in their own right. Clearly, this company has a track record of ingenuity since 1925. In my opinion, Mcintosh has no comparable innovations. At any rate, I see this as an opportunity to purchase a tremendous amp at a discounted price. Thank you and good luck with your decision!