Luxman L505u . . . why not?

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these--an upgrade from my Rotel receiver. Before I do, I'd like some perspective from the learned A'gon community. First, will it be a significant upgrade from the Rotel? What kind of sonic improvements can I expect? Second, why shouldn't I buy from Audiocubes II?
I know On a Higher Note is the official U.S. distributer, but my budget pushes me towards the less expensive purchase option. Third, regardless of where I purchase it from, it will need a transformer to boost the power to 220. I don't know anything about the possible effects this might have on sound and performance of the component--can anybody speak to this? Is it possible to have the piece modified to accept the U.S. 110 current? I want the piece because it meets my requirements for an integrated: it's at least 100W, it has speaker A/B (I've got speakers in the kitchen and the main living room), it's got a great phono section (I play 50% records, 50% CDs), and it's got a headphone amp. Those are the features I want in an integrated. Any advice, suggestions, dissuasions will be appreciated.

Bongo, have you heard the other Luxman tube integrated also, the 38u? I've been hearing raves about it as well.
Not cheap, $6k. Like the Leben 600, but with phono stage as well. I've also heard great things about the two Class A Luxman's, although they are $4800 and $10k?

Oh, and I've read somewhere that Luxman now does have tech service available in the States. I think it took a while to get things going after seperating from the Alpine debacle.
I auditioned both. You need to carefully match the 550 with speakers. It perfers the more efficient English speakers.
I have a pair of Harbeth SHL5 speakers. Anyone had the chance to try L505u or L550 with those speakers?
Merlocpm, there's a nice guy on here who has, maybe he'll chime in....not sure about the 505u, but he has the 550 and 590, which he seems to love...great bass, tone.