Luxman L505u . . . why not?

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these--an upgrade from my Rotel receiver. Before I do, I'd like some perspective from the learned A'gon community. First, will it be a significant upgrade from the Rotel? What kind of sonic improvements can I expect? Second, why shouldn't I buy from Audiocubes II?
I know On a Higher Note is the official U.S. distributer, but my budget pushes me towards the less expensive purchase option. Third, regardless of where I purchase it from, it will need a transformer to boost the power to 220. I don't know anything about the possible effects this might have on sound and performance of the component--can anybody speak to this? Is it possible to have the piece modified to accept the U.S. 110 current? I want the piece because it meets my requirements for an integrated: it's at least 100W, it has speaker A/B (I've got speakers in the kitchen and the main living room), it's got a great phono section (I play 50% records, 50% CDs), and it's got a headphone amp. Those are the features I want in an integrated. Any advice, suggestions, dissuasions will be appreciated.

Thanks for the insight Bongofury. I listened to the CS600 driving the Harbeth M40.1 and Fleetwood Mac sounded amazingly good. The Leben doesn't quite excel on some musical material with punchy bass and dynamics though.

May I ask if your Luxman had that special beguiling midrange and highs of the Leben with improved bass handling? If yes, what is the model of your Luxman? Thanks in advance.
Ryder, I have a Japanese N100 tube combo/CD. My son lives in Tokyo. I use it in a den where space is at a premium. Incredible sound for the size. I am going to buy their domestic 505 or 590 for my bonus room; I like their products so much. Do everything right--no flaws that I can hear.
Chas1: check out the N100 Neoclassical on their website. Six Moons just did the first web review. Don't know if it is being imported yet. Very streamlined and compact.
Yes, I've got my eye on it...that was one of his preliminary reports...full review to be coming, hopefully soon. It is on onahighergrounds site, so should be available.
Thanks! The Luxman is still very much on my list. Same with Leben, and Lavardin.

May I know how does the Luxman L-505f compare to the LFD Zero LEIII? Does the Luxman have similar transparency, openness and airiness in the mids and highs compared to the LFD? Does the Luxman sound warmer, leaner or almost similar in the mids compared to the LFD?

Currently I have the Rega driving the Harbeth SHL5 and has confirmed on the warm and shut-in character of the combination compared to the LFD and the Leben. The Rega lacks the air and transparency of both these units. The Leben is a tube unit and has its flaws so it is scratched off the list. I'm left with the LFD which has proven to be a good match with the Harbeth. Unfortunately it doesn't come with a remote control. Will the Luxman L-505f possess the same degree of transparency and airiness in the mids compared to the LFD? Home audition is not possible. Your advice is appreciated.