Luxman L505u . . . why not?

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these--an upgrade from my Rotel receiver. Before I do, I'd like some perspective from the learned A'gon community. First, will it be a significant upgrade from the Rotel? What kind of sonic improvements can I expect? Second, why shouldn't I buy from Audiocubes II?
I know On a Higher Note is the official U.S. distributer, but my budget pushes me towards the less expensive purchase option. Third, regardless of where I purchase it from, it will need a transformer to boost the power to 220. I don't know anything about the possible effects this might have on sound and performance of the component--can anybody speak to this? Is it possible to have the piece modified to accept the U.S. 110 current? I want the piece because it meets my requirements for an integrated: it's at least 100W, it has speaker A/B (I've got speakers in the kitchen and the main living room), it's got a great phono section (I play 50% records, 50% CDs), and it's got a headphone amp. Those are the features I want in an integrated. Any advice, suggestions, dissuasions will be appreciated.


In the age of a truly global economy and currency weaknesses, why would you care if someone buys off-shore in the native OEM country. I don't see the harm, if you are smart enough to execute the trade. The US dealer offers the ability to hear the device and service it. Given the high standards of Luxman, this seems as an unwanted mark-up.
Bongo, that's a good question...maybe I'm feeling a bit of a protectionist these days? not sure. Having been a retailer all my life, it bothers me to see so many businesses close (and we know why). Maybe I'm also a bit old fashioned. You mention that a dealer could still get to "demonstrate and service" a product....what happened to the "selling" of, which would make the dealer money?
What happened to the common good, rather than individual greed? I'm just sayin....
Oh no here we go again . . .
On a different--personal--note, I'd like to say that I'm no longer a dummy regarding voltage/transformer in my initial posting. At the time, I thought Japan was 220 like Europe, but I was relieved to learn just before my purchase that the transformer converts down from 117-100. I can confirm what Renjy651 says about the consistent, clean power offered by the transformer. I've really enjoyed reading the discussions comparing the L505u to the L507u. Fortunately, it will be a long time before I feel a need to upgrade from the 505u--I'm going to concentrate on building around it!
I just purchased a fine example of the first issue of the L-550 series, which from 1981 was also the last of the great Luxman series before Alpine took them over and ruined Luxman's reputation in 1984. This is a pure class A amp, like it's modern descendant. Ugly maybe, but the sound is extremely clear and has that subtle, warm, silky texture of the old Luxman tubes. Extremely detailed, yet no highs are ever shrill. Precise staging and exquisite separation of individual instruments, similar to the original SQ38FD. The bass is there, but maybe not in the quantities I like, and becomes somewhat "boomy" if I turn the bass knob up too much. Otherwise it slowly floated into my room like a feather from heaven.

I love this amp and just thought I'd share that with this thread, where it looks somewhat appropriate.