I need SS muscle

After thinking long and hard about a speaker change, I've decided to keep my VR4 HSE's and relieve one of my cary V12's
(one powers L & R upper units and another powers the L & R lower units)and power the bass units with a good SS amp.
If i'm going to go through the expense of another amp, I want a decent used one in good condition. Brands that come to mind are Bryston,Classe,Levinson Krell and Mac right off the bat.
Does anyone have any models of these brands or others that would offer good synergy with my current setup and enough watts for the power hungry bass units(maybe 2 ohm load at certain freq's)
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I 2nd Blindjim's recommendation. I have VR4's and it's easier to get great bass with a pair of subs and place the VR's where you will get the best imaging and gigantic soundstage of which they are capable. they always sound best to me several feet out from the front wall. Also, the subs make the soundstage larger as well.
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