Great ! In my experience, they're the only manufacturer which,in my knowledge and experience, have such a design for supposedly preserving the tubes.
I have VAC and Conrad Johnson preamps, both start on mute and necessitate a few minutes warm up and stabilizing with signaling on the machine. Different design ? And I can use any brand of tubes on them without restriction and tried a lot. And I never burned a set until know although I admit I roll a lot ! And I've never read, on Audiogon or elsewhere,or experienced that all tube preamps are tube eaters with AI beeing the exception. Never ! I don't read any complaints that a specific unit is generally known to shorten tube life except.....well of course !
Please educate me. Although I've read a lot on the present subject just by typing the brand's name with "tube problem" in Google, I would like to read the info you've got on other audio manufacturers having similar problems with similar reputation.