Best value in 5 chan. power amp under $3,000

What is the best value in a new or used 5 channel power amp under $3,000? It will be hooked up to an Integra DHC 9.9 and play though Paradim Studio 40s with a CC-690 or Paradigm Sig S4s witha C-5 center. 80%HT/20% music


For Surround its the processor that makes it and I Parasound the Halo line both amp and processor
I had a Sherbourn 5/1500. I bought it new from my local dealer, kept it for several years, and sold it when I went to individual monoblocs.
This amp has 5 monoblocks in 1 chassis. Think of a Bryston 9B SST with more power & a less fancy casework.
This amp was very dynamic, and trouble free.
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