Best value in 5 chan. power amp under $3,000

What is the best value in a new or used 5 channel power amp under $3,000? It will be hooked up to an Integra DHC 9.9 and play though Paradim Studio 40s with a CC-690 or Paradigm Sig S4s witha C-5 center. 80%HT/20% music


I would go with Entrope on the Parasound 2205A or At. This amp is very good for the money. Sounds great and has alot of power thats hard to beat for the price
I have my integra dhc 9.9 connected to both a Cary 7 amp and Linn amps for the frontlinn 242 speakers and the cary to the center Linn 225 and the surrounds and backs Linn 104.
The Linns are better,but not by a whole lot . used about $$1400 I had the fronts Kirksaeter silverline 210( way under rated speakers) and again it was very excellent.