PS Audio PCA-2 Preamplifier - Characteristics?

Has anyone used this preamp?
Probably matching it with anyother preamps including the HCA-2. Just curious as to its signature type.

Any input will help. Please dont recommend a different preamp, I just need to know about this one in particular.

Thank you
I own 2 of these "sleeper" Reference quality pre-amps, with
the HCPS for both.
With the GCA-500, and GCA-250, the sound is something that
when matched properly with power cables and connects; these
products form a Musical Synergy rarely found at this price range.
Much more can be spent, but the question is, "will it sound better?" Rowland owners say this combo is as good if not better than their 2 box pre-amps.
Dollar for dollar, these are fantastic products, they let
the Music pass without being affected at All. The result is
a spacious sound-field,accurate low end, All of the qualities You hope for in a Reference Quality pre-amp.

Cabling is key to the Synergy.

Well worth the effort, once set up, listening for hours, is
so easily done.

The "air" and the clarity, is almost scary "clear".

Love Your Music
I bought one here on agon a few months ago to pair with the HCA2 and it sounds amazing.

Great detail and clarity with this pre. Lot's of cool features too.

The only problem I have is that it has really exposed "weak" recordings. I can't listen to half of my CD's now!!

I would like to make one last tweak and get an HCPS. Anyone has one?
I have the PCA-2 + HCPS and the HCA-2. I use pro sound balanced interconnects wherever possible and the setup sounds great and has zero issues. Equipment treadmill: Stopped.
I have a PCA 2 preamp modified by Doug Jessie in my exercise room two channel system.  Using molded Ampzilla 300 wpc monoblock amps, Silverline speakers,  a modded Aurilac Vega dac and modded Oppo disc player.

The PCA 2 preamp is a stellar performer.  Clean, crystal clear, very nice soundstage, and excellent detail without fatigue.  Doug made it lots better than it's very good stock performance.