Passive Preamps

I'm curious about passive preamps. Has anyone tried a passive preamp in their system?
I use a TVC from Music First Audio and find it exquisite. Its clarity, soundstage and extremely low noise floor are quite remarkable. I recently compared it with a top notch VAC active preamp. The VAC had a bigger soundstage but also was little more colored. Dynamics and bass seemed equal to me.
My first preamp was a McCormick Micro Line Drive paired with its companion Micro series amp. The Line Drive was capable of both passive and active operation with the passive option receiving all the positive reviews. In fact, if I remember correctly, all the reviews I read were careful to stipulate that the enthusiastic recommendation pertained to the passive option only. So, being new to all this, I went passive and never gave it another thought. Nearly a year went by, and I can't recall what made me do it - probably a disappointing cd, but I switched to active. I don't doubt that I lost all the cherished nuances that the reviewers cited, but who cares - I was dancing. Larry is spot-on, and as Tvad pointed out on another thread: "Lrsky has excellent sensibilities when it comes to sound and matching, so I would give his recommendations (whatever they may be) proper consideration"
Wow. A vote by a member for another member for another member. That carries some weight. By the Kevin Bacon theory I'm now 1 against 3.
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I've used both, to date I've come to slightly prefer active. Amongst the best passive systems I've heard were those that used the much under appreciated Reference Line pre's and amps. I would certainly consider using a passive pre in the future. However, I think the future will most likely be more about things like digital room correction, cross-overs, etc.. Passive pre's require more total system consideration and ultimately limit options more.