Did anyone here go to the RMAF and listen to the new VTL signature TL 5.5 preamp? I am interested in a full funtcion preamp, (I am trying to simplify my system with fewer components and cables)? If you did what did you think. I have auditioned the VTL 6.5 and it was wonderful but big, line only and a bit out of the budget. I have also auditioned the Aesthetix Rhea and Calypso at different stages and #1 on my possible list is the Janus or Janus signature, the VTL may take it's place however. I appreciate your input.
I thought the VTL/Avalon Indra set-up at RMAF sounded excellent with both an analog source Rega P5/Exact and digital source. It is difficult to say how much of this was due to the VTL 5.5, but it certainly didn't get in the way!
From what I know the new 5.5 is at its best driving tube amps but will be fine driving SS amps. The 6.5 will show a step above with SS amps as the impedance spec is different and can drive longer cables etc.
i also heard the vtl avalon room with ayre digital as the source very good sounding room , one of the best at the show. how much was due to vtl ? such is the situation at such a place , but a great sound none the less.